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Le Mans is one of the larget cities of the West of France
located in the region Pays de la Loire.
The city is the capital of the departement Sarthe (72).
Le Mans is located between Paris and Nantes.

The town lies at the confluence of the Sarthe and Huisne rivers.
Old Mans, called Cité Plantagenêt, is the historic district of the city.
The city, labeled City of Art and History, has the Saint-Julien cathedral
and numerous medieval monuments,
such as the Palace of the counts of Maine,
the Hôtel Dieu Coëffort, or the Couture abbey church.

The Automobile Club de l'Ouest organizes every year,
the second weekend of June,
one of the most important car race in the world,
the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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Rent Appartments from Le Mans

Le Mans is also known for
24 H Du Mans Museum, Tesse Museum

Le Mans Vintage Posters

Rent cars in La Mans
Hertz has a car rental agency
Gare / Trainstation
140 rue du Bourg Bele
72000 Le Mans
+33 2 43 24 37 28

Hertz logo 125x125

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from Le Mans
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View on Cite Plantagenet, historic center of Le Mans
photo by Selbymay